As you age, it is important to stay up to date with your eye exams. A comprehensive eye exam is a thorough evaluation of your eyes and includes tests to check not only your vision but also the health of your eyes. During the exam, an optometrist will perform several tests. Here's what you need to know.


A comprehensive eye exam is more than just a standard vision exam. Regular comprehensive eye exams can detect early signs of potential health issues before they become more serious problems, including:

  • Glaucoma. This is a condition in which the amount of fluid inside the eye increases, leading to increased pressure on the optic nerve. It can also lead to vision loss if left untreated.
  • Cataracts. This is a clouding of the eye's lens, which can cause vision problems and increase the risk of developing macular degeneration. The most common treatment for cataracts is surgery.
  • Age-related macular degeneration. This is when the central part of the retina deteriorates, leading to vision loss. There is no treatment for macular degeneration.
  • Diabetic Eye Disease. This is a variety of eye problems that can occur as a result of diabetes. It includes diabetic retinopathy and other conditions that can lead to vision loss.

It is important to note that a comprehensive eye exam requires dilating the pupils to allow your doctor to assess the back of your eyes. When your eyes are dilated, the optic nerve and other structures are clearly visible, making it easier for the optometrist to detect any abnormalities. It is often recommended that another person drive you home after dilation because your vision may be blurred for a few hours.

What Are the Benefits of Regular Eye Exams as You Age?

Eyesight deteriorates as you age, so regular eye exams are important for everyone. It's especially important if you have any risk factors, such as diabetes or a family history of vision problems. Early detection means that treatments are more likely to be successful in preserving sight or slowing down further deterioration. 

Additionally, many health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes can cause eye changes even before other symptoms appear. Regular comprehensive exams can help catch these earlier on so they can be treated sooner rather than later.

Comprehensive eye exams are essential for good overall health throughout life. Taking care of your eyes is essential no matter what age you are. If you think it's time for an eye exam, call your ophthalmologist and schedule an appointment today.
