Digital eye strain is a very common eye issue among just about everyone, as digital devices are so commonly used in today's society. They are used in classrooms, in workspaces, at home, and just about anywhere you can take a cell phone or tablet. Digital eye strain can cause your vision to be blurry, your eyes to become dry and it can also cause neck and shoulder pain, as well as migraine headaches. Preventing digital eye strain in a heavily digital society may seem difficult, but it can be done. Read on for helpful information to use as a guide.

1. Take Extra Time Away From The Screen

If you work on a computer daily, or you are always on a phone or a tablet, you need to be sure you take extra breaks away from the screen in order to give your eyes a break. This means looking away from the screen often and allowing your eyes to focus on something else for a few minutes. You should take a break every 20 minutes to give your eyes time to readjust to something else and to re-wet your eyes. Don't look away from one screen and focus on another. You need to focus on something that is non-screen related.

2. Make Adjustments To The Screen

To prevent digital eye strain, you can make adjustments to the screen. Adjust the brightness of the screen so it isn't bothering your eyes and isn't too bright or too dim. You also need to adjust your sitting position and how you are holding your device in front of your eyes. If you are always looking down at a screen such as a tablet, phone, or laptop, it can cause pressure at the back of the head and behind the eyes. If your computer screen is too high, it can lead to neck pain and headaches, as you are always looking up. Make adjustments as needed to prevent eye strain and other issues.

3. Get An Eye Exam

Having your eyes examined every year is one of the best things you can do in the fight against digital eye strain. An eye exam can find issues with your vision such as blurred vision or vision concerns such as dry eyes. They can be treated right away or monitored to prevent the issue from worsening further. Eye exams are especially important if you are someone that spends a lot of time on a digital device.

If you are always on a digital device, like most people are these days, you need to be sure to take breaks, make necessary adjustments and get a yearly eye exam to help protect your eyes and your vision. Talk to your optometrist about other ways to prevent digital eye strain. 
